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FOIA - Freedom of Information Requests

The Freedom of Information Act establishes a citizen's legal right to access government records and information upon request. Citizens may submit requests for Columbia Township public records in person, via mail, or by email to

The Clerk's Office follows certain guidelines when responding to FOIA requests. The Township Supervisor is the FOIA Coordinator.  

All FOIA requests for records must be submitted in person, via mail, or by email to The FOIA statute allows the Township 5 working days to respond to a FOIA request. An extension of an additional 10 days is allowed under the statute, including if the request requires the Township to search for, collect, examine, or review a voluminous amount of separate and distinct public records, or to collect the public records from numerous offices, facilities, or establishments.

Please review the documents below regarding FOIA.

Columbia Township

53053 County Road 388, Grand Junction, MI
Mailing Address: PO Box 323, Grand Junction, MI 49056
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