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Kara Hartmann Laraway

The office of Township Clerk is an elected board position, responsible for keeping the township’s documents and records, the preparation of agendas and taking minutes of the township board meetings. The clerk is also responsible for updating, codifying, and publishing the changes in the zoning and General Code Ordinances, is responsible for the monthly reconciliation of accounts, the annual financial statements, and various policy/procedure manuals.

Additional duties include processing and paying all invoices, processing payroll,  and administering the Oath of Office for all township elected or appointed offices. In addition the township’s records retention, storage, and timely destruction are handled by the Clerk’s Office.

One of the primary statutory functions of the Township Clerk is to encourage and educate the public on voter registration, to maintain all voter registration records for Columbia Township, as well as being responsible for all aspects of all elections, including the training of election inspectors.

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